属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国高速公路 American Highways
1 | 现在,没有一台现存的望远镜可以发现生命的存在。 | At present, there is no telescope in existence that is capable of detecting the presence of life. | |
2 | 消失的,静止的不再存在、使用或运转的 | No longer in existence , use, or operation. | |
3 | 新机构的职能与那个现存机构的职能部分重叠。 | The new office overlaps the functions of the one already in existence . | |
4 | 新机构的职能与一个现存机构的职能部分重叠。 | The new office overlaps the functions of one already in existence . | |
5 | 在国内,我们必须团结各民族、各民主阶级、各民主党派、各人民团体及一切爱国民主人士,必须巩固我们这个已经建立的伟大的有威信的革命统一战线。 | At home, we must unite all the nationalities, democratic classes, democratic parties, people’s organizations and patriotic democrats and consolidate the great, prestigious revolutionary united front already in existence | |
6 | 在海上自然保护区、水产养殖场、海滨风景游览区内,不得新建排污口。本法公布前已有的排污口排放污染物不符合国家排放标准的,应当限期治理。 | No additional outlet for discharging sewage shall be allowed within marine sanctuaries, aquacultural grounds and seashore scenic and tourist areas. Those outlets already in existence before the promulgation of this Law, where the discharge of pollutants is not in conformity with the state standards, shall be improved within a prescribed period of time. | |
7 | 在还未建立翻译工作者协会或联合会的国家 | In countries where societies or unions of translators are not yet in existence | |
8 | 在没有相反证明时,此种授权被认为是存在的。 | in the absence of a proof to the contrary, such authorization is deemed to be in existence . | |
9 | 这并不令人惊讶,因为戈尔丁的收藏甚丰,可能从价值10万英镑(合人民币’134万元)的英国早期哥特风格的床以至海内仅存的两本之一的里摩日珐琅书皮,什么都有。 | That isn’t so Surprising, since Golding’s stock may include anything from an early English, gothic bed costing 100,000 English pounds (1.34 million Renminbi)to a Limoges enamel book cover, one of only two known to be in existence | |
10 | 这是现存的历史最悠久的钢桥。 | This is the oldest steel bridge in existence . | |
11 | 这是现存最早的汉语手稿。 | This is the oldest Chinese manuscript in existence . | |
12 | 这是现存最早的希伯来语手稿. | This is the oldest Hebrew manuscript in existence ,ie that exists. | |
13 | 这是现有的最雄伟的大桥。 | This is the most magnificent bridge in existence . | |
14 | 这种制度已维系了数百年。 | This kind of system has been in existence for hundred years | |
15 | 只要其作品是"原作",即作品是独立创作的,就可以取得著作权,即使已经有了极为相似的作品存在。著作权人仅对那些未经许可而使用该著作的人行使权利。 | as long as a work is original in the sense that it was created independently, it can be copyrighted even if a closely similar work is already in existence . a copyright owner has rights only against those who use his work without his permission. | |
16 | 只要一件作品是独立完成,便具有独创性,它便受版权保护,即使已有相似作品存在。版权拥有者仅有对未经其许可使用其作品者提出诉讼的权利。 | as long as a work is original in the sense that it was created independently, it can be copyrighted even if a closely similar work is already in existence . a copyright owner has rights only against those who use his work without his permission. | |
17 | 最广为人知的有:吉萨的金字塔,为奇观中最古老的、唯一至今仍完整存留的建筑 | Included on the best known list were the Pyramids of Giza (the oldest of the wonders and the only one substantially in existence today), | |
18 | ||1:1979年1月,一支越南军队扫清红色高棉政权,凡纳也停止了画人像。||2:但1980-81年间是一段更让人锥心蚀骨的艺术开始。仓皇逃窜的S-21狱卒留下的文件书写了监狱运作的大体轮廓,然而正是凡纳用昏暗,严肃的颜料描绘出的个人记忆,才活生生的展示了那里曾经发生的过往。||3:午夜时分,蒙住眼的男子,妇女和儿童被卡车运进集中营。||4:男人被扎在竹竿上,像猪一样;婴儿从母亲的怀里被扯出来——不久凡纳才明白,婴儿会被摔死在树上。||5:囚犯被面如铁石的狱卒刺戳,鞭打,扭送进囚禁室,再一个挨一个的挤在一起,像正在腐烂的木头。||6:红色高棉丧失权力很多年后,此政权高层仍然否认S-21的存在。||7:而凡纳在囚禁室到作画室的路上,一次次用秘密的一瞥记录下了S-21的现实。 | ||1: When a Vietnamese invasion swept the Khmers Rouges from power, in January 1979, his portrait-painting ended. ||2: But in 1980-81 an even more harrowing spell of art began. The fleeing warders of S-21 left behind troves of documents outlining the prison’s work, but it was Mr Vann Nath, painting his memories in sombre oils, who showed most vividly what had happened there. ||3: Blindfolded men, women and children trucked into the compound in the middle of the night. ||4: Men carried, trussed like pigs, on bamboo poles. Babies torn from their mothers’ arms—to be smashed against walls, he learned later. ||5: Prisoners prodded, whipped and steered by stone-faced cadres into holding cells to be crammed side by side, like decaying logs. ||6: For many years after the Khmers Rouges fell from power, the upper echelons of the regime denied S-21’s existence. ||7: Mr Vann Nath caught its reality in furtive glances, as he moved from cell to workshop. | |
19 | ||1:而电池以化学方式储存能量,即在两个电极中以活性物质的形式储存能量。||2:这些电极在物理上是分开的,但由一种叫做电解质的材料相连接。通过电解质,带电原子(离子)可以从一个电极传递到另一个电极,从而使反应得以进行。||3:然而,只有当离子流被通过电极之间外部回路的电子流平衡时,这种情况才会发生。这种电子流就是电流,这就是电池存在的原因。 | ||1: Batteries store their energy chemically, in the form of reactive substances in their two electrodes. ||2: These electrodes are held physically apart, but are connected by a material called an electrolyte through which charged atoms, known as ions, can pass from one to the other, in order to permit a reaction to proceed. ||3: That, though, happens only when the ion flow is balanced by a flow of electrons through an external circuit between the electrodes. This electron flow is the electric current which is the reason for the battery’s existence. | |
20 | ||1:佛罗里达州是采用“无限防卫权”法律的20多个州的一员。这项法律规定若行为人有理由认为自己的生命面对威胁,可以在诉诸致命暴力前免除首先尝试逃跑的法律义务。||2:很多人推测警方可能认为这项法律是阻碍起诉齐默曼的绊脚石。||3:自2005年,这项法律生效以来,正当杀人的案件增长了两倍。||4:但是齐默曼的律师表示如果他的当事人被捕,自己并不打算援引这项法律。同时这项法律的一名起草人表示不管怎样,这项法律并不适合这一案件。因为齐默曼本可以避免遇到马丁。 | ||1:Florida is one of 20-odd states to have adopted a “stand your ground” law, which exempts those with reason to believe their lives are in jeopardy from any legal obligation to attempt to retreat before resorting to deadly force.||2: Many have speculated that the police thought that the existence of the law would impede Mr Zimmerman’s prosecution. ||3:Findings of justifiable homicide have tripled since the law took force in 2005. ||4:But Mr Zimmerman’s lawyer says he does not intend to invoke the law if his client is arrested, while one of the law’s authors says it would not apply in this case, anyway, as Mr Zimmerman seems to have gone out of his way to confront Mr Martin. | |
21 | ||1:然而,重要的不仅是其古怪性而且中微子在传输中当受到其他物质的撞击时不容易被破坏。||2:如果人类想让远在银河系的地方听到充满智慧生命存在性的广播,那么经过调制的中微子光束则是使他实现的一种很好的方式。||3:相反,一些人认为利用无线电广播频率收听外星人是一种错误的方式。||4:他们认为正确的方式应该是搭建一个中微子载波的接收器。||5:这就意味着中微子的物理学家将需要做大量的工作。||6:那么,也许中微子电话的制造商会认为,毕竟中微子电话并非是一个疯狂的创意。 | ||1:The point, though, apart from sheer wackiness, is that neutrinos are not easily intercepted by collisions with other sorts of matter.||2:If humanity wanted to broadcast its existence to intelligent life forms that might be out in the galaxy listening, a modulated beam of neutrinos would be a good way of doing so.||3:Conversely, some people argue that listening for ET at radio frequencies is the wrong approach.||4:The right one, they think, would be to build a neutrino-receiver.||5:And that would mean plenty of work for neutrino physicists.||6:Perhaps, then, from its makers’ point of view, the neutrinophone is not such a nutty idea, after all. | |
22 | ||1:由于公路信托基金需要资助长期大规模的建设项目,批准建设项目时并不要求基金要备齐该项目将会需要的所有资金,这就造成了它每年入不敷出。||2:只要美国人每年驾车量都有增加,这种方法就可以运行,而在公路信托基金创建以来的大多数时间内,美国人的驾车量确实逐年增加。||3:美国的劳动力增多,工人们抛弃了拥挤的城市投向遥远的郊区,这正需要长途通勤。 | ||1:As the HTF pays for long-term, large-scale construction projects, it has never been required to have the full funding a project will require on hand when that project is authorised; consequently, it has long paid out more than it took in each year.||2:As long as Americans drove more each year, that arrangement worked, and for much of the HTF’s existence, that is exactly what happened.||3:America’s workforce grew.Its workers abandoned tight-knit cities for ever more far-flung suburbs, requiring longer commutes. | |
23 | “现存的金块中,我们知道的最后一个”贝克说道“过去几年中曾有更大的,但它们已经被熔化了” | "It’s the last one we know left in existence , " Baker said. "There have been larger ones over the years, but they have been melted down. " | |
24 | 1980年美国500强公司在20年后的今天只留下202家。 | Only 202 of the 500 biggest companies in America in 1980 were still in existence 20 years later. | |
25 | 800-GOOG-411:这可能是目前最好的语音识别手机服务。 | 800-GOOG-411 Possibly the best voice-recognition cellphone service in existence . | |
26 | GoldmanSachs:一个有着130年历史的经营投资银行和资本管理的公司。 | Goldman Sachs: An investment banking and management firm, which has been in existence since more than 130 years ago. | |
27 | 板球,是英国人最典型的体育运动,自从16世纪以来已存在。 | Cricket, the most typically English of sports, has been in existence since the16th century. | |
28 | 存在之思中的艺术是什么--海德格尔艺术作品本源论之启示 | What Is Art in Existence ? -- A revelation from Heidegger’s origin of art work | |
29 | 但是也许10000个对冲基金充斥市场,你所期望的超额回报变的小而又小。 | But with some 10, 000 hedge funds in existence , you would expect those niches to become smaller and smaller. | |
30 | 当然,这些工作人员除了告诉乘客那些不复存在的方位信息之外还有其他工作要做。 | Of course, these attendants have other things to do than give out information relating to a system no longer in existence . |